Monday, October 20, 2008

From The Horse's Mouth: Saturday, Oct. 18

I met Anthony in the Cleveland ghetto on Saturday. He flung the screen door open slamming it against the side of his dilapidated house. His long brown, wavy, unkempt hair swung from side to side in his green bandana as he lumbered toward me. He had a sturdy handshake and thick swollen fingers. He proved to be a very pleasant, but uninformed voter. After negotiating an agreement with him to vote for Obama I moved on to the next house.
The neighbor seemed to be vibrating from caffeine or crack consumption as he answered the door; his eyes bugging out of his head. I asked if he was Thomas, and luckily he said no. Thomas came to the door in a much calmer manner. He was about thirty-eight, wore black rimmed glasses, and I shook his paint splattered hand. He told me that he was leaning toward voting for McCain for no reason, so I enlightened him and he too agreed to vote for Obama. When I turned to leave Anthony was waiting on the sidewalk for me. Having the sneaking suspicion that I may have acquired a stalker for the day I approached him coldly. He said, "I just wanted to stick around till you were done talkin' to him because he is a convicted sex offender and there are three more on this street, so be careful." Turns out Anthony was more of a guardian angel.

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